Well we were so busy stripping and everything. I seem to have misplaced my special Diamond Necklace from Collie for Christmas. I was taking care of it and took it off to get ready for work - stripped for stripping. I remember putting it in my bag.
It doesn't seem to remember that's where it's meant to be though and is now floating through a space-time warp, ie Lost. MG has searched the floor for twinkly things, she's scoured the hoover dustings and sifted the rubbish in the bin. Luckily it's insure, so we may just manage to get it replaced. I have to report it to the police though, which is a bit Serious. Where did you lose it? no idea officer. Not great.
Why is everything so complicated
If I saw the house a fortnight in I would never have bought it. I didn't realise that it takes time to get a place stripped for action.

We're learning all along. that's the Family team of Dad. MG, Colin and Me
- if you use evo stik the ceiling tiles will be permanent
- the toilet leaks somewhere. It smells everywhere.
- They didn't plaster the electrical conduit in properly, it falls off
- next door put their car in the back garden and got a broken window
- next door the other way have now added a blue mattress and a broken toilet to their garden furniture and broken fence
- it costs £600 for the Gas Board to check when you move the meter
- for electricity it's £750
- the boiler doesn't work - and it's not old enough to qualify for scrappage
- it's a very cold winter
- there are a lot of black knee-his and old bandages behind the kitchen radiator
- some people can't work tidily
- if you ask people who know, they always say any superfluous wall could be load bearing
- what the hey - knock the little one down anyway.

That means we're not going ahead with the full refurbishment plan maximising potential etc.
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